Summer - 2010
We are commissioned to go into the world and preach the good news!
We were able to travel and visit around 10 different Islands reaching some of the more remote villages sharing the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Gebosong Village
For the last 10 years only a few believers were worshiping at
this former house of prayer, it was completely in ruin and
the people had lost hope but through our mission the Lord
gave them the hope to keep on praying and asking for
Haggai 2: 7-9 I will fill this house with glory say’s the Lord.
The glory of this present house will be greater than the
glory of the former house say’s the Lord and in this place
I will grant peace. The Church has now been renovated
and its membership continues to grow. Praise the Lord!
Lajagon Village
Approximately 300 people live in this remote place. These
people were hungry to hear God’s message and asked us
if we are coming back? Praise God! We will return as God
allows us in his time. God’s word is planted in their hearts.